FREE Law Firm Website Designs
LawFirm911™ just started and will continue to add great new free and premium designs. You can get started now with one of our existing designs and if you see anything in the future you like, you can change the look of your website with just two clicks.
First, create your website by registering on the homepage; then, choose a free design such as “Cutline” (if you wish to use a premium design, please contact me first otherwise it will not work properly). To select a free design, login to your control panel and click on the Design tab on the top left; click on one of the two free designs; click on “Activate”; and that’s it.
Custom header images are not necessary, but can be used instead of the stock image with the free image #1 below and all premium website designs. If you choose to use the stock image header, it will show a title and can also show a subtitle which you type into the appropriate fields in your control panel. You can see what the stock header image looks like in #1 In the blue premium design below. You can find a graphic designer to create a custom website header at the bottom of this page.
#1 & 4 is available now; #2 & 3 is coming soon (click for large image)
Only #1 can use a custom header image
#1 #2 #3 #4
Custom Header Image Size
#1 = 946 x 108 Pixels
Premium Website Designs (click for demo)
Custom Header Image Sizes in Pixels
792 x 136 743 x 84 222 x 212
Graphic Design Companies For Custom Header Images
(Not recommended or endorsed by LawFirm911™) Before you order a custom design header image, please note that you must use either the free design #1 or one of the premium law firm website designs and your custom header image must be the size indicated on this page under the design.