Custom header images can be used with all premium law firm website designs and the free "Mimbo" design. If you want a custom law firm web site header image designed, first take a look at the designs here to see if you want to use one of these. If you have decided to use one of these designs, and you want a custom website header image, you must make one for the size indicated under the design.
If you already have a law firm website with a header image you want to use here or if you want to have a custom header image designed for you, you can easily change your own header image in place of the stock header image on your new LawFirm911™ website.
If you use your own header image, you may want to hide the title text which will be explained below. If you want to use the stock header image, but want to change the color of the title , that’s also easy. Find out how to change the words in the text of the header title and subtitle .
You can easily change the header image on a premium LawFirm911™ website design
1 Click on the "Design" tab
2 Click on the "Custom Image Header" tab
3 Click on "Browse" to choose an image on your computer
4 Click on the "Upload" button to upload your own image
5 Click on "Select a Text Color" to change the color of the title text or if the title text interferes with your header image, click on the "Hide Text" button just above the "Select a Text Color"button
6 Click on "Save Changes"

Control Panel to upload new header image for a premium law firm website design